"Nothing is impossible, the word itself say "I'm possible"!"

- Audrey Hepburn

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Training Begins 1/8

I am so excited and READY to begin my new training program.  I have finished reading one book and am now onto my second.  It has been a great read...seriously.  So, for those who know me well know that I mean business.  I apologize now if I am going to make you crazy or qusestion my sanity!  LOL.  I thank you now for supporting me along the way. 

So, my first 1/2 marathon is April 28th.  I have more than enough time to train for it properly so I am starting out slow with the running and going all in with Boot Camp/Cross Training.

I have decided not to train in miles right now but in minutes.  This is a HUGE change for me but I am going to try it fot the next 8 weeks.

Week 1  - January 8 - 14

Sunday - 30 Minutes
Monday - Off, traveling for work
Tuesday - 30 minutes, traveling for work
Wednesday - 30 minutes, traveling for work
Thursday - Off
Friday - 20 minutes, Boot Camp
Saturday - 40 minutes

I will be posting my training schedule for the next 8 weeks on my training page.  Ask me how I am doing at any time but know that I will share anyway. 


Running my first 1/2 marathon, 8/13 with a great friend.  Thank you Adam for encouraging me to do this!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I should pick a RunDisney event for the Fall!

To my wonderful, supportive and caring husband,

I am pleading to you the reasons why I should pick a RunDisney event as my last race of 2012...so here goes.

  1. You can be kids for the weekend enjoying the parks and rides.
  2. We can either to to CA or FL...your choice.
  3. If you choose CA, then we get to see your Uncle Leon.  BONUS!
  4. Weather, need I say more.
  5. Cool Disney princess running outfit.  http://www.team-sparkle.com/  My favorite princess!Sleeping Beauty Running Costume
  6. Because you love me!!!  :)
  7. We can run in a Disney Relay Race.
Okay...we can chat about it over dinner.  LOL.

I love you Michael!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Starting Over

Well January 2012 is here and I am ready to get started.  Last year came and went, and I am all about 2012 and making it FANTASTIC!  I have revamped my training plan.  I will not just be running anymore.  I will be going back to crosstraining three times per week and running three times per week...all while working full-time and being a wife and mommy to four amazing children.  Where will I find the time?  I recently realized that running and working out is MY time.  The time when I get away and have time for me, even if that means my day starts at 5:00am.  I have been reading a great book that reminded me that this is okay.  I recommend the book: Run Like a Mother to all mommies that struggle to find alone time. 

I plan on sharing my story and miles along the way.  Any help or suggestions that you have...please send my way. 

Happy Running!!!
